“Who Elected You…!”

We knew it would happen. It was inevitable. As soon as Trump began to carry out the policies he put forth, and the people voted for, the radical Dems and their activist judges went to work to keep him from fulfilling his campaign promises to the citizens.

One of the big talking points, currently, is about Elon Musk and his work to remove wasteful government spending. This should be something that ALL Americans could agree needs to happen but, the Democrat party has a problem with saving tax-payer money by increasing efficiency and eliminating fraud and waste. With their lackeys in the legacy media carrying their water, they have “beat their chests” and screamed of “…taking the fight to the streets!” in an effort to stop President Trump from his promise to put America, and Americans, first. These same lunatics call President Trump an insurrectionist for telling his crowd of supporters to march to the capitol, peacefully, and protest the stolen election of 2020.

I have been informed that the Democrats, who make use of public funds to support their party, claim Musk was never elected and, therefore, it is illegal for him to have access to Treasury Department records. There is no validity to their argument, but it sounds more convincing than the truth. The truth is that the Democrat party funnels money to Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), who, in addition to funding radical left-wing, progressive, policy both here and abroad, return a portion of these tax-payer dollars, in what could very well be described as a money laundering scheme, to help fund the Democrat party and select progressive candidates, “cleaning” the funds initially distributed to them by the Democrats!

While it is true that Elon Musk wasn’t elected, the same can be said for over 90 percent of those who work in the federal government. The IRS agents, who comb through Americans’ tax returns in an effort to swindle additional taxes and penalties from them, aren’t elected. Nor are the armed federal agents who, for the smallest firearms policy infractions, have been known to gun down women holding infants. Not forgetting the 2024 Democrat party presidential nominee, Kamala Harris, who received said nomination without one single vote being cast for her during the primary process.

No, this isn’t about the election process or anything to do with oversight. This is merely the “Swamp”, with members of both parties, fighting to keep the American people in the dark about the criminal activity that is the norm in national politics. The American people deserve to know just how corrupt their leaders are.

…more to come.

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