THEY, keep telling you to believe them and not your eyes, ears, brain and your experiences. You are a conspiracy theorist if you don’t believe the official line, whether from Democrats, the legacy media, or establishment Republicans who only wish to perpetuate the status quo and continue to rule you rather than serve you.

As the election began to wind down and Trump began to wind up the winner, I started looking at the number of votes cast in this “REALLY” crucial election to save Americans from “Hitler”. I noticed that there were between 12 and 15 million less votes cast than in 2020. Imagine the surprise with so much at stake that the public couldn’t be bothered to cast a ballot to keep citizens from being rounded up, locked away, or in the case of the tens of millions of “Dreamers”, banished from their “better life”.

Legacy media SHOULD crawl off and die for being liars. Telling Americans that the “newcomers” were mostly families when our eyes told us there were a disproportionate number of young adult males wading across the Rio illegally with no vetting process and a federal catch and release program that has allowed these criminals the opportunity to prey on an unsuspecting populace.

The talking heads told us that Biden was as sharp as a tack, until they decided that he wasn’t and then they helped in the Democrats’ orchestration of a coup to force him out of the presidential race. He is too old, senile, and feeble to run for reelection but, according to these same talking heads and Democrat leaders, he is perfectly fine to continue to run the country. These people are the true threats to democracy, but only if Americans allow them the power to rule them. The Democrat party should term limit their leadership, at the ballot box, and choose new representation that will govern with honesty and transparency.

The American people have been lied to for over a century by those we elect to represent us and work for us as public servants. This experiment, established by the founding fathers, would clearly be seen as a failure by anyone logically analyzing the data thus far. It isn’t too late for Americans to right the ship. It will take more than crying and whining. It will take hard work and it will not be painless, but the alternative is the end of our republic and the freedoms that most take for granted.

More to come…

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